Lets get Strumming...

We all love listening to music with friends or just alone. Blasting songs with full volume in your car when no one is around you. Well my favorite parts are the guitars in the background, and the leading guitars in solos. I have always loved the sound they make and what people can do with them. So in class my teacher has presented a project to us and I thought this would be great. I already have a guitar at home and it gives me a good reason to start playing it.

I got the guitar a few years ago from my aunt and uncle who wanted to get rid of it. I tried learning to play it a few times but never stayed into it. I got all things to tune the strings and a book with all the chords for it. I practice over some months and can play a little here and there but the hardest for me and memorizing the strumming patterns and shaping my hands for the chords. I already know how to play riffs and parts of songs but for this project I am going to pick a song I like and learn the whole thing. I will keep posting throughout the time to keep everyone updated on the progress I learned.


  1. Can't wait to hear the final result!

  2. i played guitar for 8 years, i stopped 3 years ago but i still remember some stuff so if you need help you can ask me ;)


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